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Roasted Rutabagas


Rutabagas are part of the cabbage family and are quite peculiar.  They are potato like wedges but made of a turnip-like  vegetable. Great for children who like potatoes.  


  - 6 fist-sized rutabagas 

  - 2 Tbsp olive oil

  - ½ Tsp salt

  - ½ Tsp garlic powder 

  - ½ Tsp onion powder 

  - ½ Tsp paprika 

  - 1 Tbsp fresh thyme 


Preheat your oven to 425°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.


Cut the ends off the rutabagas and peel the remaining skin as rutabagas often have wax coating the skin. Then cut the rutabagas into thick wedges and put them in a large bowl. Add the oil, salt, paprika, garlic and onion powder and toss the ingredients together. 


Put them on the baking sheet, and cook until you can place a fork through them and they look browned in some spots, about 35 minutes. 


Sprinkle them with thyme and serve the rutabagas warm.



©2017 Audrey Chu/Eat the Rainbow 

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